
Gallery Room Rental
$70/hour. Seating capacity 140. Rental price includes: connection to sound system with bluetooth or aux cord, Basic lights (stage, track), Access to projector/screen, access to default stage set-up, cordless mic. Also includes access to the Loom Bar with bartender. Extras and add-ons: Sound person for more complex sound needs $25/hour; Custom stage set-up $20, Access to "green room" $20.
Sunshine Room Rental
$40/hour. Seating capacity 50 Rental price includes: Access to folding tables, stacking chairs, access to sound system and aux cord. Also includes access to the Loom Bar with bartender. Extras and add-ons include: Microphone and amplified speaker $25, Access to green room $20.
Entire space - $90 per hour and 24-hour rental - $500 total - Includes basic access to all 3 spaces. Extras and add-ons as listed above.Please call 360-775-2160 with any questions regarding pricing or service